have lunch

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have lunch

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:36:59
  • 单语例句
  • 双语例句

1. But they should be more considerate when it comes to enjoying a " free lunch " offered by individuals who have no choice.

2. He calls two of his colleagues to have a late lunch in the mall to escape from the regular canteen food.

3. It was revealed that a constable killed in 2001 might have escaped death had he not swapped lunch time duties with his colleague.

4. There's also a daily lunch set menu and promotional items for dinner so you don't have to cringe when you get the bill.

5. The Oscar winner was not asked about being pregnant before leaving with Urban to have lunch and celebrate Easter with her family in Sydney.

6. While currently not the best place for a fast business lunch, you'll enjoy Amici if you have time to spare.

7. They look at the Little Mermaid and artworks from the Renaissance in the morning, then go to have steak in Argentina and coffee in Brazil for lunch.

8. Many students do not go home to have lunch because the school is far away from their village.

9. The students have to leave their lunch boxes at the gate of the school and step out to fill their tummies during recess.

10. The bears have been keeping their cool by licking their lunch which comes frozen inside large ice cubes.

1. have lunch的反义词

1. It's just 11 sharp, they have alreday had lunch.

2. have lunch的意思

2. Owen wobbled erratically across the runway at RAF Colerne during the lunch break at a VSCC sprint event for the benefit of our photographer, and everyone assumed that this brief experiment would have got the fad out of his system.
欧文wobbled鱼群全国跑道英国皇家空军 colerne在午餐休息时vscc Sprint的事件,使我们的摄影师,大家都以为这简短的实验已得到基金会指出他的系统。

3. have lunch

3. What did you have for lunch?

4. have lunch的意思

4. I have lunch at 12 at school.

5. Along the way, we stopped by a small town known as Batang Kali to have our lunch.

6. Can you tell me what you want to have for lunch?

7. So I have to buy some food and cook the lunch for us.

8. have lunch的近义词

8. I have been known to remodel train stations on my lunch breaks, making them more efficient in the area of heat retention.


9. Make sure that you have all your daypack items (containing at least drinking water, your lunch pack and extra clothing) with you as the porters ascend a lot quicker than the hikers.


10. Do your classmates and you have lunch at twelve thirty/ at half past twelve at noon?

11. have lunch是什么意思

11. Unless you are a entirely solitary man, you probably have lunch with one or more workmate on workday.

12. have lunch

12. Unless you are a complete solitary man, you probably have lunch with one or more colleages at working days.

13. have lunch是什么意思

13. Have you had lunch yet?

14. Memo From: The Managing Director To: Divisional Personnel Managers Subject: Clocking-in Machines Date: 27/4/_ There have been a number of comments about the amount of time being wasted with extended lunch breaks in our company. I do not want to sound as though I am against breaks, in principle; indeed our personnel consultants have emphasized how important and efficiency-promoting such regular interruptions can be if you want an effective and motivated office staff. But, we must keep a check on working hours and clocking-in machines for office staff do exist. We can expect a little opposition to the idea if we are not careful. You can never be sure how the office staff will react. They might well take it badly. In any case, we`re thinking of putting in clocking-in machines for all clerical grades; please send me a report. At least 150 English words. Submit it before April 15 Pls refer to the LAYOUT OF REPORT in this PPT, with numbered paragraphs (preferably refer to File 67 on P.168): Layout of report To: From: Date: Subject: XXXXXXXX Body of report Conclusion/Proposal 还有一段话:Could you write a report in response to the memo on P.36 (4.3 C)? Suppose you were the Divisional Personnel Manager.
备忘录从:管理的董事到:分割的人员管理者题目:孵蛋的-在机器日期:27/4/-在那里有是许多的时间存在废物有伸出的午餐的注解关与数量训练我们的公司,我不想要到声音好象我是相反休息,原则上;真正地我们的人员顾问有强调如何重要的和效率-创立这样的规则的中断能是如果你想要有效的和激发办公室全体人员,但是,我们必须保持检查工作小时和孵蛋的-在机器为了办公室全体人员做存在,我们期待少量反对到想法如果我们是不小心的,你能解决不是有把握如何办公室全体人员将起反应,他们might好拿它严重地无论如何我们re轻轻一击在孵蛋的思想,在机器尽管请发送我报告至少150英文的字,服丛它在前4月15日 pls查阅报告在这PPT的规划,有有限的段—(更适宜查阅文件67在P.168)报告的规划到:从:日期:题目:XXXXXXXX 报告的身体结束/方案还有一段话:可能你书写报告响应备忘录在p.36(4.3c)假设你是分割的人员manager。

15. You eat a massive plate of food for lunch, whereas I have just a sandwich.

16. have lunch

16. At one time, I actually was too preoccupied with my reading to have lunch.

17. have lunch

17. I have some vegetable and meat for lunch.

18. have lunch的意思

18. Milk contains rich proteins, and many people have it for lunch.

19. It's time for us to have lunch.

20. Unless live completely in solitude, you are likely to have lunch with one or more colleagues.

  • 临近词
They didn't have lunch.(他们没有吃午饭。)
What time do you have lunch?(你几点吃午饭?)
I go and have lunch with a client.(我去和客户吃饭。)
"Let's have lunch," he begged.(“咱们吃顿午饭吧,”他祈求道。)
I'll have lunch.(我去吃午饭。)
Hi! Do you want to have lunch?(嗨,想去吃晚餐了吗?)
She is always have lunch at noon.(她总是在正午吃午饭。)
In the morning school starts at 9:00 and the classes finish at 12:00. In England, students have lunch at school.(学校早上9点开门,12点下课。在英国,学生们会在学校吃午饭。)
Next time you're here let's have lunch together.(下次你到这里来,咱们一起吃午饭。)
Let's have lunch out on the patio.(咱们在外面平台上吃午饭吧。)
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